Friday, 25 May 2007

The end is in sight

Apologies for being really slack, and not blogging for a few days, I have been really busy at work, and every evening has been spent trying to finish the decorating in our new house.
I have been developing "Flat Pack tourettes" trying to build multiple chests of drawers and wardrobes.
We are nearly finished, the builders are in now, finishing this afternoon,
The plasterer comes in tomorrow morning, and the decorator next week.

To save some money, we have decorated 4 rooms ourselves, and I know now that I couldnt be a decorator, How boring is painting???

We should be finished and moving in next weekend, so I will post some photos of the finished product for you all to be envious of.

1 comment:

Hamhock said...

I'm loving your "Flat Pack tourettes"!!! Genius.

Funniest phrase I've heard in ages.

Nice interpipe diary booth.

Keep it up.