Tuesday, 15 May 2007

New house, loving it.

We got the keys to our new house on Friday night, that is why I havent had chance to blog recently.
We couldnt wait, both of us were like little children on Christmas Eve, dying to get in and see the place again. We viewed it a couple of times before we completed, but hadnt spent much time there.
I spent more time choosing a TV than we did when we bought a house, but is that not always the case?
Friday night came round quickly, and I picked the keys up and met Antoinette outside the front door.
We both went in, and ran around the house like children, pointing at everything and squealing.
After we had calmed down, it was lovely to go from room to room, imagining where our furniture would go, and how we would decorate, and what we needed to do before we moved in.
Saturday was a bit of a washout, we didnt get chance to do anything, as Antoinette was having her hair put up for the ball, and I had to watch the Premiership final between Gloucester and the mighty Leicester.
Sunday was a day of painting for me. Thanks to Kate who helped out, I wouldnt have finished without you.
Two rooms down, 4 more to go, and it looks like we are in it for the long stretch.
Will post some pics when I get chance.


Silvana said...

show us a picture of it then!

James Franco said...

I havent taken any yet, I will go down tonight and take some photos of the house, and post them tomorrow.