Monday, 4 June 2007

I swore that I wouldn't watch it again after the waste of time that was last year's Big Brother.
4 days into the new series and I am hooked.

If you have missed the first weekend of the show, here is my summary of the "contestants"

Sam/Amanda- Vacuous identical twins who like pink, squeal a lot, wear the same clothes, talk about make up and kittens. Not much substance, or a brain cell between them. There is a village missing it's twin idiots somewhere near Stoke on Trent right now.

Leslie- Ann Robinsonesque head mistress type, completely out of place, moans a lot about nothing

Chanelle- Posh Spice lookalike- aspires to be a WAG( actually means she wants all the trappings of fame, but doesnt want to work for it). I will forgive her because she is pretty.

Emily- Posh(ish) girl, claims to have "discovered a new form of music sweeping the nation- Indie) pretty, opinionated. Looks a bit like a Keira Knightley type sloany.

Charley- Opinionated, bitchy layabout who claims to go out and party with zelebs all the time, despite never having worked a day in her self obsessed life. Cousin to a Manchester United benchwarmer, likes name dropping and in love with herself.

Shabnam- See Charley, but without the class

Laura- Bubbly Welsh Girl- Seems really nice, talks very fast- My Favourite so far

Nikki- Very pretty girl with unfeasibly long eyelashes- whinges quite a lot and smokes too much.

Carol- Milli Tant from Viz, but funny.

Tracey- What happens when you take too many drugs. Most likely to crack and stab someone with a spoon.

Ziggy- Fame seeking wannabe, and the only male in the house- Tried fame with Northern Line- Failed. Tried a dating show(5 go Dating) - Failed. Tried Big Brother- Will probably fail.

I am a bit fed up with all the fame hungry wannabes that go on this show.
They all want instant gratification, fame and fortune, but don't seem to want to work for it, and see it as their right.

I will post again later down the line if I can force myself away from the live streaming on the internet.


Silvana said...

So glad I've not watched it! Although my sister's got me hooked on The Apprentice instead. Have you been watching? My favourite Katie is still in. I might have to go to the bookies and add gambling to my long list of vices....
Cornation Street, Whiskey, Chocolate, etc

Silvana said...

Oh. Ok, Katie's just this second quit. Lucky I hadn't left the house!

James Franco said...

Glad she went, I couldnt stand the smirking, permanently flushed, horse faced, cow.

I think kristina will win, but don't mind Simon either.

We have been hooked on the apprentice from the start, and like the USA version of it as well.

Tony said...

Stop watching BB now before its too late! Think of how much of your life you're about to waste!

James Franco said...

I cant do it, I am well aware of the pitfalls.

It will be worth watching tonight, one of the girls has been kicked out for using racist language.